Welcome to my blog.
We are an Australian couple, currently living in Taiwan as English teachers. On top of trying to learn Chinese and trying not to die everyday on the crazy Taiwanese roads, we are also trying to conceive our first child through using Chinese medicine. Join us on our journey through herbs and acupuncture, and every day Taiwanese life.

Friday 21 October 2011

All about me

Welcome to my blog.
Mr Man and I are an Australian couple currently trying to get pregnant whilst working as Teachers in Taiwan, learning Chinese, raising 3 foster puppies and, all the time, trying to survive on the crazy Taiwanese roads!
If truth be told, this is our second attempt at life in Taiwan. We originally moved here in April 2010 after 20 months on the road, during which time we travelled through Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, and Mongolia.
It was during this time of "stability" (after we came to Taiwan) that we decided to officially start our TTC (trying to conceive) journey.
Unfortunately after only 4 months in Taiwan, and after just getting settled, we found out that my father had stage 4 lung cancer, and so within a week, we packed up and moved home.
Less than 4 months later we lost dad. But during this time we were able to spend alot of quality time with him and were able to help him tick off almost all of the items on his bucket list, but, we were unable to make him a granddad.
4 days before he died, I apologised to him and told him we had been trying. He smiled at me and simply said "thank you." He didn't even know we were trying, no one did. We wanted to surprise him and mum. But the universe didn't want it to happen that way.

Fast-forward 5 months and we decided it was time for us to leave the country again. It was time to pack the backpacks again and get back to our own lives.
As much as we love our families and friends, we just can't handle living in Australia. We are wanderers and the rules and restrictions and paranoia of society in Australia drive us crazy.

So we spent the next month in Borneo, and then 4 months diving our way around the Philippines.

And then, with bank balances well and truly depleted from all of the diving, we came back to Taiwan.

Exactly 14 months after we left..
Exactly 14 months of TTC later and we were still babyless..

With fertility specialists and tests soooo stupidly expensive in Australia, we figure, why not d it here? WHY NOT give Chinese medicine a go?

With this blog I hope to share some of the experiences we have trying to create a little person over here, aswell as some of the interesting and funny things we find along the way.

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